Look how cute and comfortable they look:
1. I finally found a place where I belong.
I think I’ll curl up here for a bit, mum. Feel free to join me!
via imgur
2. Is this the bedroom?
I’m oh so tired of searching for something soft to snuggle up in.
via imgur
3. So many pets and snuggles. Is this what every day is going to be like?
I’ll need more naps.
via imgur
4. This is my new nook.
And I’ll stay here as long as I can.
via reddit /u/ neck_jab
5. Ah yes, I’ve found my human!
Such sheer happiness and total tiredness at the same time! It’s a big job being this cute, you know?
via imgur
6. Nope, that really is the best I can do.
I’m going to rest here for a while now, okay?
via reddit /u/ soljerms
7. I’m just closing my eyes for a minute. No need to worry.
via imgur
8. You mean this is my grass now?
Running, running, running…sleeping.
via reddit /u/ amberrgerr
9. This seems like as good a spot as any for a little nap.
Maybe when I wake up food will magically appear!
via Before + After DIY
10. I just can’t.
I’m so sorry. Just. So. Tired.
11. And now I will nap with my new favorite stuffie.
It feels so good to be home.
via reddit /u/ xkuroinekox
12. I has to stay up with yous?
But I’m exhausted from giving you these puppy eyes all day!
via Twitter / @iLovePupsDaily
13. What a day, dad!
I’m just going to cuddle up for a few moments.
via reddit /u/ ilovemyblueshirt
14. I has all these toys to cuddle with.
Why would I move?
via My Farmtastic Life
15. Yes, I think I’ll like it here.
Right here. However, I’d do a lot better with a few pets.
via reddit /u/ AmyWood85
16. I’m dreaming of all the fun we’re going to have when I wake up!
I am so happy to be here.
via the world & moore
17. Zzz… love is so exhausting.
I’m so sorry for all the drool.
via imgur
18. This is my spot now.
You’re welcome to join me in-between whatever it is you do.
via Surfingbird
19. Mum, I need lots of sleep to grow big and tall.
I’m a Great Dane pup after all!
via reddit /u/ tiffanyann125
20. It’s so hard filling your lives with so much joy!
I need a little rest until I can make you smile again. Oh wait, you’re already smiling! Look at that.