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In southern Japan, there is an island called Aoshima, or Cat Island.
The cats outnumber humans six to one, which means they have a high demand for cat food. The island experienced a drop in cat food and turned to Twitter for help.
“Please understand our current situation.
There are no stores to buy food here on Aoshima. There aren’t any vending machines either.
The people here acquire their necessities by taking a boat to the mainland.
However, it’s extremely windy in winter, and boat service is often suspended.”
via Twitter / @aoshima_cat
They asked people to send food to the island.
“Please send cat food to Aoshima.
We are steadily running out of food.
Naoko Kamimoto
Aoshima Cat Protection Society
52 Aoshima, Nagahama-cho, Ozu-shi, Ehime Prefecture
In case you need our phone number, please contact us individually.”
via Twitter / @aoshima_cat
It didn’t take long for people to respond…
via Twitter / @aoshima_cat
They received so much food they actually had to tell people to STOP sending more.
“Thank you for all the supplies.
We can’t get any more cat food in the storage area, so we put it in the waiting room.
With things the way they are now, we have enough food to last until the end of March, so please don’t send any more for now.
Thank you very much.”
via Twitter / @aoshima_cat | Twitter / @aoshima_cat
But people kept sending food!
“Please stop sending supplies (cat food) to Aoshima.
We got far more than we ever expected, and there’s no more storage room. We’ll be fine until April. Thank you all very much.
Wow, the cats of Aoshima are incredibly popular!”
via Twitter / @aoshima_cat
At least Cat Island never has to worry about a food shortage again.
Looks like people are more than willing to feed a few thousand cats, and they sure are adorable when they’re happy.
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via Twitter / @aoshima_cat
Main image via Twitter / @aoshima_cat
Collage image via 1. Twitter / @aoshima_cat 2. Twitter / @aoshima_cat